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Hello future doctors, we're Dr. Nicole and

Dr. Rachel and we are on a mission to redefine Board Reviews.

We love Chiropractic and we believe the world needs more Chiropractors, and quickly. When we think back to Chiropractic School, few things caused more stress than Board Exams. We were shocked to learn that the best Board Reviews available to prepare for these huge exams were either an in-person weekend review just one month before the exam or an online video-based review that hadn't been updated in decades and where neither the video nor audio were clear.

Chiropractic education has made leaps and bounds with technology in just the past few years, but why have Board Reviews stayed the same for decades? We're here to modernize Chiropractic Board Reviews by combining the best technology with the best study techniques all while keeping it accessible and affordable for students.

Successfully passing Board Exams is the hurdle that stands between all Chiropractic students and practicing and we think it's a hurdle you should be equipped to clear on your first attempt!

Hello student doctors, we're Dr. Nicole and Dr. Rachel and we are on a mission to redefine Board Reviews. 

We love Chiropractic and we believe the world needs more Chiropractors, and quickly. When we think back to Chiropractic School, few things caused more stress than Board Exams. We were shocked to learn that the best Board Reviews available to prepare for these huge exams were either an in-person weekend review just one month before the exam or an online video-based review that hadn't been updated in decades and where neither the video nor audio were clear.

Chiropractic education has made leaps and bounds with technology in just the past few years, but why have Board Reviews stayed the same for decades? We're here to modernize Chiropractic Board Reviews by combining the best technology and with the best study techniques all while keeping it accessible and affordable for students.

Successfully passing Board Exams is the hurdle that stands between all Chiropractic students and practicing and we think it's a hurdle you should be equipped to clear on your first attempt!

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Our Story

On a recent trip back to our alma mater, Life Chiropractic College West, we were impressed by all the changes and upgrades on campus including a new technique training center with all the newest tools like force plates to measure adjustment force and speed, new virtual anatomy tables and a new brain center to train the Chiropractic Neurologists of tomorrow. It got us thinking about all the amazing improvements in Chiropractic Education in just the past few years. 


Then we thought about the one thing that hasn't changed in Chiropractic Education in DECADES...Board Reviews. The same in-person, one weekend, fire-hose reviews, the same black and white note packets, the same review videos filmed decades ago with blurry video and crackly audio. These were the only options we had as students and that's why we wanted to create a better way for you. 

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